What is MagMo?

Publishing Platform (think Hootsuite for Photos) allowing you to share your “Magic Moments”

B2B solution for brands

Narrative Story Telling featuring a Monetization Engine 

Photo publishing tool

Built-in templates, allowing the user to create up to 4 pages (featuring images w/ text boxes and links)

Convey a Narrative Story

MagMo allows the user to tell a story with a purpose.  Most social media platforms just show a pretty image without much context or any action.


MagMo allows you to click on links within the actual images (website, videos, YouTube, articles).

POST ACROSS Multiple Platforms

Unlike other platforms, MagMo does not require the user to download an application for viewing.

Unique built-in AD Unit

Unique “Back Cover” clickable image that lets you purchase, buy, or interact with your favorite brand, charity or individual.

MONETIZE organic posts across multiple platforms

Ideal tool for brands and individuals who want to promote an event, product, or cause.

Click to View MagMo Starter Video

Are you a Brand?

MagMo, which stands for Magic Moments, is a new web/mobile based software tool for Brands, Celebrities and Influencers to create and share stories with their audience through social media.

MagMo Features for Brands

Current social media tools are not equipped for brands to leverage content.

MagMo was built specifically for Brands to better communicate with their audience.

Revenue Generation

MagMo features a “back cover”, providing a call-to-action opportunity (i.e. sign-up, make a purchase, subscribe).

Fan Engagement

MagMo stories provide context for customers, including how to tune-in, subscribe, or options for viewing!

Charitable Causes

MagMo allows brands to share their social cause, very important in today’s climate as consumers are more socially conscious.

Retail Commerce

MagMo makes it easier for brands to release coupons, check A/B testing and provide surveys with relative ease.

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